Casey Fodness

Title Coordinator

Began at Teachwell:


Why did you choose this field?

I sort of fell into working with young people in grad school and discovered it was a passion of mine. Learning new things is exciting to me and I realize I learn the most by teaching others.

What or who most inspires you?

People who are unwaveringly adventurous. New experiences help you find what you are good at and passionate about. They also provide opportunities to develop and reveal your character.

Why Teachwell?

I believe everyone has potential and not everyone is dealt the same hand in life. Guidance and second chances have helped me throughout my life and I want to do the same for the students I work with.

What are you proudest of?

I have experienced a lot of things in my life that I never thought would happen or even knew existed when I was younger. I am proud that I made it through them all and that these experiences have shaped who I am today.

How do you hope to make a difference?

By building relationships while communicating compassion and understanding to students who may not have much experience with any of those things.

What lessons has your work life taught you?

I feel attitude is the most important thing determining success regardless of how you measure it. Attitude to me is a choice and one of the few choices we can control in everyday life. Although difficult, I hope to embody a positive mindset and share that culture with my students and coworkers.

What is your background? Experience, degrees, skills, etc.?

I took an unconventional route to teaching. I have a M.S. in Recreation and Tourism from Calpoly. I have been a Teen Program Specialist for a municipality, camping tour guide in the southwest United States, Wilderness Therapy Instructor in Utah, substitute teacher, and most recently a behavioral therapist and school supervisor for students with special needs.

People would be surprised to know that I . . .

have gone skydiving in three different states.