Christine Clausen, RBT

Success Coach

Began at Teachwell:


Why did you choose this field?

Entering the human service/ABA field was by sheer luck. I began working in a group home the end of my freshman year of college and fell in love with it. I had no idea what ABA was prior to that. I changed my major the next fall and haven't looked back since.

What did you think you were going to be when you grew up?

A veterinarian.

What or who most inspires you?

My parents. They have always taught me to be strong and work for the things that you want out of life.

Why Teachwell?

Teachwell gave me the opportunity to assist with and work in a brand new ABA program. It gave me the opportunity to apply my ABA and RBT skills and collaborate with other individuals that share the same passion for the field and our students.

What are you proudest of?

In my personal life: finally going back to school and getting my Bachelor's degree and pursuing my Master's degree this fall. Professionally: witnessing individual successes. Working in early intervention ABA you get to see many firsts, many firsts that were thought may never happen. Knowing I did my part to help those individuals grow are my proudest moments.

How do you hope to make a difference?

To help inspire and promote progress and independence in as many individuals as possible.

What lessons has your work life taught you?

Over everything, my work life has taught me to always embrace the unexpected and learn to adapt. Working in the human service/ABA field, you never know what to expect. Things that may work one day won't work the next, and each individual has their own unique personality and ways of responding to life. It has also taught me an abundance of patience, self-control and how to think creatively.

What is your background? Experience, degrees, skills, etc.?

I began working at a group home my freshman year of college in 2006. I worked for a few different locations for Habilitative Services Inc., in Minnesota, ranging from highly behavioral to medically fragile individuals. From there I moved to Children's Care (now Lifescape), working in the residential and school settings. I spent some time back in Minnesota as a lead at a group home I previously worked out before I came back to Sioux Falls and worked for the past 5 years at Behavior Care Specialists, Inc. in their ABA program. I started at Teachwell in fall of 2020. I have a a Bachelor's degree in Human Services from the University of Phoenix and am a Registered Behavior Technician.

People would be surprised to know that I . . .

a bit of an travel/adrenaline junkie. I've done a zip line in Belize, swam with stingrays and sharks in Mexico and done a canyon swing in Colorado.