Sarah McCann

Middle School Teacher

Began at Teachwell:


Why did you choose this field?

My mom was an educator, so growing up learning was celebrated and encouraged. My hope is that I can foster and encourage love of learning in others, especially those who have found learning and school to be a challenge previously.

What did you think you were going to be when you grew up?

I wanted to be a Marine Biologist and work with killer whales at Sea World. I also wanted to be a Park Ranger for the National Park Service.

What or who most inspires you?

I am most inspired by those who follow their interests and strive to leave the world better place than they found it.

Why Teachwell?

Teachwell is committed to helping all students feel capable and successful when it comes to learning and growing. That inspires me to be the best educator I can.

How do you hope to make a difference?

I hope to make a difference by investing in the children of today, who will be the leaders of the future, so they are able to see that their efforts and unique skillsets are a gift to be shared with others.

What lessons has your work life taught you?

Having an opinion is fine, but listening to others to find a solution that works well for everyone is best.

What is your background? Experience, degrees, skills, etc.?

I have worked in 2 elementary schools, long-term residential, and behavioral health settings. I have a degree in Communication Studies with a minor in Art History. I plan to go back to school to get my masters in Education.